
Yet, sometimes I don’t feel or want to rejoice.

Reflecting the past couple of years, since the lockdowns and restrictions (less of an issue with the virus), I’ve realized how difficult it has been to be truly joyous. I would say generally I’m in good spirits, but somehow I’ve been unable to feel joy in many things. It is quite possible that due to my primary existence at home due to work and family life, I’ve taken on too many things and thus when I do have some time to enjoy something, it simply feels like more relief than joy. This may change as my own schedule branches out a bit, but when few a years ago I could even find joy in listening to a good podcast in the middle of LA rush hour, then there is something amiss today.

Despite all this, what always keeps me going is a sense of thankfulness and gratitude to God. I teach this to my kids and express this to my wife always. I am a sinful man, but darn it, God gave me a life and there’s no way I cannot be thankful for it. This is what I rejoice in.

Happy Advent – just one more week till the Light shines brightest in the darkest of nights.

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